Project Description

Prof. Thorsten Faas (Fotograf Bernd Wannenmacher)

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas

Principal Investigator

Short Vita

I am Professor for Political Science with a focus on Political Sociology at the Freie Universität Berlin and Head of the Research Unit “Political Sociology of Germany”.

What I find exciting about this research initiative

Tackling this important topic in an interdisciplinary team in thrilling Berlin!

What my discipline can contribute to this research initiative

Within the field of Political Science and Political Sociology we deal comprehensively with cohesion, conflicts, and social interaction in societies and in the political process. Questions about citizen participation, political involvement and protest movements form a central part of research and can provide valuable impulses for the work of this initiative.

Five key publications

  • Nicole Loew, Thorsten Faas: Between Thin- and Host-ideologies: How Populist Attitudes Interact with Policy Preferences in Shaping Voting Behaviour, in: Representation, 55,    2019, S. 493–511

  • Andreas M. Wüst, Thorsten Faas: Politische Einstellungen von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2018

  • Jürgen Maier, Berthold Rittberger, Thorsten Faas: Debating Europe: Effects of the “Eurovision Debate” on EU Attitudes of Young German Voters and the Moderating Role Played by Political Involvement, in: Politics and Governance, 4, 2016, S. 55–68

  • Thorsten Faas, Benjamin C. Sack: Politische Kommunikation in Zeiten von Social Media, Bonn: BAPP, 2016

  • Thorsten Faas: Arbeitslosigkeit und Wählerverhalten: Direkte und indirekte Wirkungen auf Wahlbeteiligung und Parteipräferenzen in Ost- und Westdeutschland, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010