Onno Steenweg
Student Assistant
Mail: steenweg@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Website: https://www.psychology.hu-berlin.de
Short Vita
I study political science (Master) and psychology (Bachelor) at the Free University Berlin. I am a student research assistant at the chair for personality psychology at Humboldt Universität Berlin, working in the research unit Subjects of Cohesion at the Social Cohesion Project of the Berlin University Alliance. My main interest is political psychology.
What I find exciting about this research initiative
In times of increasing interindividual differences and diversity, western societies are often thought of as becoming less and less cohesive. Understanding the development and dynamics of social cohesion in civil societies is a crucial question in our society. I am thrilled to work on this exciting topic, alongside a group of interdisciplinary researchers.
What my discipline can contribute to this research initiative
Social cohesion is an important and widely debated topic in both, political science, and psychology. Cognition and decision making is always embedded in a social structure and context. Therefore, we can generate a more comprehensive framework of social cohesion and its dynamics by considering both disciplines’ point of view.